"The tree treasure of Schuenhagen" (nature trail)

"The tree treasure of Schuenhagen" - under this name, the nature trail at the Schuenhagen forestry office invites you to a forest discovery. Young and old can playfully learn about the tree species of the natural forest at various stations.

In the dense forests of the "Nordvorpommersche Waldlandschaft" the smallest German eagle, the lesser spotted eagle, still feels at home. Here it can raise its young in peace and catch mice and frogs in the surrounding meadows. Since the beginning, the Schuenhagen Forestry Office has supported the chance.natur federal funding project "Nordvorpommersche Waldlandschaft", which has set itself the task of preserving this special species and also protecting its habitat. This not only helps the rare lesser spotted eagle, but also the diverse natural habitats far from the coast of Vorpommern.

In addition to the lesser spotted eagle trail, which provides interesting information about the lesser spotted eagle's way of life and migratory behavior, a new nature trail behind the forestry office has been open for discovery since 2022. In the so-called "Müß" - a natural forest left to its natural development - a path with 7 different stations leads through the world of tree species. The tree spirits of oak and co. are already waiting for your visit! With their many riddles you may succeed in the end to open the safe with the "tree treasure of Schuenhagen".

The Lesser Spotted Eagle Trail as well as the nature trail are free of charge, freely accessible all year round and designed to be exciting for children and adults alike. For the nature trail, simply follow the light blue signpost arrows at the forestry office. You are also welcome to take part in guided tours.


Details at a glance

Naturlehrpfad am Forstamt Schuenhagen

Am Kronenwald 1
18469 Schuenhagen