700 years of Ribnitz Monastery, interdisciplinary conference
Fri-Sat | 07.-08.06. | 11.00 a.m. | German Amber Museum
- History and culture of the convent of the Poor Clares and the convent of the…
Kubb Masters tournament in the open-air museum
Sun | 23.06. | 10.00 a.m. | Klockenhagen Open-Air Museum
Premiere in the open-air museum! The first Kubb tournament in…
MUSIK OFFEN - KICKOFF 3.0, young music from MV
Fri | 21.06. | 19.00 hrs | open-air stage Ribnitz
Kickoff 3.0 - Young music from MV
with: Gegen den Strom aus ??, Florian Frank from RDG, the guitar…
MUSIK OFFEN - Pop Meets Latin`N Jazz with Superphone from Rostock
Tue | 18.06. | 19.00 hrs | Monastery courtyard
Superphone - Pop meets Latin Jazz.
Take hits and chartbreakers from five…
MUSIK OFFEN - Rock, Pop and Ska, Les Bummms Boys and Paulette
Sat | 22.06. | 19.00 h | Damgarten harbor
Party with Les Bummms Boys & DJ Paulette
A band name that polarizes - but makes it…