Women's Day celebration at Kunsthaus Lisa
We celebrate Women's Day with you again
Women's Day celebration / line dance workshop followed by a performance.
Sculpting with Ytong and soapstone at Kunsthaus Lisa
Sculpting with Ytong and soapstone (in the open air) with Anja Röhl
Registration: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243 24 947Pappelweg 22 18337…
Felting on silk at Kunsthaus Lisa
Felting on silk, beautiful scarves and other things with Christiane Wagner
Registration: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243 24 947Pappelweg 22 18337 Neu-Guthendorf/…
Health and well-being: Back and more - course at Kunsthaus Lisa
All about the back - exercises and self-massage with Susanne
Registration: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243 24 947Pappelweg 22 18337…
End of the year at Kunsthaus Lisa - surprise movie
Screening of a great women's movie: surprise movie and celebrating with everyone at the end of the year
Registration: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243…
Creative writing and painting at Kunsthaus Lisa
Creative writing and painting with Susanne: Motto: " What we have achieved!
Registration: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243 24 947Pappelweg 22 18337…
KUNST HEUTE: Paintings and workshops at Kunsthaus Lisa
Ten days of paintings and workshops on art today: with various artists in residence, including: Anke Gebauer, Susanne Backs, Regina Lüdecke,…
Baltic Sea thriller: Reading with Marion Petznick at Kunsthaus Lisa
Ostseekrimi: Reading with Marion Petznick, followed by a discussion including statistics on the role and status of women in…
Our garden should become more beautiful - at Kunsthaus Lisa
Garden beautification with Anke Gebauer: Our garden should be more beautiful!
Registration and information: Anja RöhlTel. 0176 - 243…
Cocoa ceremony in the salt towers
Experience the healing effects of cocoa, music and yoga - a day of pure relaxation in the graduation house: brine inhalation, meditation, yoga, medecine songs, cocoa…