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1319 results:
771. upgrade! Resource industrial monument  
upgrade! Resource industrial monument The exhibition - now in the north Modernization and structural change repeatedly lead to the abandonment of old industrial and technical sites. Perseverance and…  
772. Exhibition Daria Gabruk - Gallery in the monastery  
Exhibition Daria Gabruk - Gallery in the monastery Exploring the truth - Painting Exhibition in the large exhibition room of the Galerie im Klosterfrom 02.06. to 29.06.2024(The original exhibition…  
773. "30 years of music(ing) life... "  
"30 years of music(ing) life... " Dierhagen Summer Concerts 2024 The wind quintet of the Staatskapelle Berlin celebrates its birthday.All lovers of classical music can rejoice.In July, the "Dierhagen…  
774. "Open Day" of the Dierhagen Volunteer Fire Brigade  
"Open Day" of the Dierhagen Volunteer Fire Brigade A great day out for the whole family. Guests and locals are cordially invited to inform themselves about the vehicles and their technical equipment…  
775. Country time with "Sheila & Friends"  
Country time with "Sheila & Friends" 3rd SUNDOWNER - Theme evening Conjure up the American Dream on the Baltic Sea for an evening. Country music and entertainment for the whole family!  
CUBAN URBAN SOUND WITH THE "WALTER MARTíNEZ TRIO" 2nd SUNDOWNER - Theme evening Three musicians - three nations, a unique combination... Cuban drummer Walter Martínez has been a member of…  
777. Jazz & swing time with the "Jive Sharks"  
Jazz & swing time with the "Jive Sharks" 4th SUNDOWNER - Theme evening The musicians have already worked with Manfred Krug, Roger Cicero, Kevin Spacey, Bill Haley's Comets or Barbara…  
778. Maritime handicrafts and creative design  
Maritime handicrafts and creative design for young and old There may be a charge for materials.  
779. Medieval spectacle in the Baltic resort of Dierhagen  
Medieval spectacle in the Baltic resort of Dierhagen Welcome to Nadin's kingdom! For many years now, a beautiful spot in the Baltic resort of Dierhagen has been transformed into a colorful spectacle…  
ROCK`N ROLL TIME WITH THE "BILLY ROCK BAND" 1st SUNDOWNER - Theme evening * BILLY ROCK * The party cult band from the north4 energetic coastal cowboys with guitar, bass, drums and keys,play the…