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1317 results:
681. Art Café Schwarze Scheune  
Art Café Schwarze Scheune The popular Sunday café in Teutendorf invites you to enjoy coffee and cake at alternating exhibitions by regional artists with their diverse and creative exhibits. Opening…  
WORKSHOP with HEIKE KROPIUS Color art meets nature - Experimental watercolor painting Sunday, June 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.: Color art meets nature - Experimental watercolor paintingWe venture into…  
683. Kunsthaus Lisa - Artists - Residencies  
Kunsthaus Lisa - Artists - Residencies On May 1, 2024, the residency artist season begins for the first time at Kunsthaus Lisa From May 2024 to the end of October 2024, female artists will take up an…  
684. After work at the Kulturhaus  
After work at the Kulturhaus Drink - Talk - Music Straight onto the sofa after work? Why not make a detour to the Stadtkulturhaus? Meet up with friends and other people from the city and enjoy cool…  
685. Dance into May  
Dance into May Aftershow party Tickets at the box office  
686. Rabimmel Rabammel Rabumm - Two men save the world  
Rabimmel Rabammel Rabumm - Two men save the world Guest performance by HERKULESKEULE Dresden Two people meet. One says to the other: "My wife needs space for herself." What starts as a joke turns…  
687. Artists from MV exhibit at the Waldesruh Gallery  
Artists from MV exhibit at the Waldesruh Gallery Paintings, graphics, photography, sculptures and guitars will be on display from May 5. Galerie Waldesruh cordially invites you to its new exhibition.…  
688. 1st market and trade fair day of the Recknitz Valley bird park region  
1st market and trade fair day of the Recknitz Valley bird park region A lively showcase for the region and its players. Get to know us and what we have to offer! On Saturday, 27.04.2024, locals and…  
689. In search of spring in Vorpommern  
In search of spring in Vorpommern Enjoy charming spring views while cycling and get to know some of the sights beyond the Recknitz river The cycle tour starts at 10.00 a.m. on the market square in…  
690. The city center shows itself  
The city center shows itself On Saturday you will experience a colorful and diverse city center from 1 pm. For the second time, Ribnitzer Innenstadt e. V. invites people to the town center with a…